Le projet
Veolia’s business is managing water, waste and energy – all key to the planet’s future. Since 2013, Veolia has hosted an annual Press Day, sharing the group’s strategy, activities and perspectives with journalists and stakeholders. In 2019, the Press Day highlighted the commitment of Veolia and its resourcers to mitigate climate change. We called it “Climate, what now?”
The tone had to be optimistic and realistic, showing that Veolia is an inspiring company that faces global challenges head-on. Content and staging needed to be new and compelling for journalists constantly bombarded with presentations, notably those who had been to prior Press Days.
The event took place in Paris, in two 2 ½-hour sessions – the morning for journalists (from various backgrounds), and the afternoon for clients, partners and stakeholders. We treated the audience to a four-part, high-tech, immersive journey that steadily grew in intensity.
First, they watched a 3D film, shot from the perspective of the planet Earth itself.
Then we “travelled” via live IP video to factories in France, Poland and Morocco, where resourcers explained how they are producing energy differently, to limit carbon emissions. A mapping projection on a 3D model subsequently showed how the earth will look in 2100 if temperatures continue to rise. Finally, Veolia CEO Antoine Frérot shared the company’s vision and programme of concrete actions to mitigate climate change.

Of course, we had to ensure that such an event had a minimal carbon footprint. All the components were 100 percent recycled or reused, furniture was rented or borrowed from design associations, and food came from the local caterer.
An unmitigated success, the 2019 Press Day produced more than 60 media reports worldwide.